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Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena

Primary 4

A very warm welcome to the P4 page!  We hope you enjoy reading about and looking at photos of all the wonderful and exciting things we do here in P4.  



This year Primary 4's P.E day is Wednesday.  P.E shoes and the Dunclug t-shirt with P.E. bottoms can be worn to school every Wednesday. 



Activity Based Learning in Primary 4


Letter writing in Primary 4

Our Primary 4 class have embarked on an exciting project to connect with their partner school in Kenya. Over the past few weeks the children have explored the features of a letter and planned and written letters to the children in Kindfund Primary School. For most of our children this is their first introduction to international pen pals and they are eager to learn about the similarities and differences between themselves and their friends in Kenya.

We look forward to hearing back from our partner school soon. Stay tuned for updates on our partnership with our friends in Wamba, Kenya as we will continue to collaborate with them through the year!


Exciting News for Primary 4: All About Africa!

This term, Primary 4 will embark on an exciting journey, exploring the vibrant and diverse continent of Africa. From its rich cultures and traditions to its unique geography, the children will dive deep into understanding the many different aspects of this fascinating continent.
A special highlight of this unit is our school's link with a partner school in Wamba, a town in Africa. The children will have the incredible opportunity to write letters to their peers in Wamba, learning firsthand about life in Kenya, comparing school experiences, and sharing their own stories.
Through this project, the children will not only expand their knowledge of Africa but also build a meaningful connection with children from another part of the world!