Primary 7
Welcome to our page!
We hope you enjoy reading about what we have been up to so far in the 2024/25 school year!
We are very much looking forward to all the learning and exciting activities in our Spring term!
Key Information:
- PE will take place on Mondays this term
- Coaching for Christ will take place on Wednesdays this term
- Our topic this term is 'Extreme Earth'

Important Dates for Post Primary Applications

Some of the key dates in completing the application for your child's post-primary place.
Our Class Novel

This term we are reading Under the Hawthorn Tree as our class novel.
Here is a short summary of the plot:
'Ireland in the 1840s is devastated by famine. When tragedy strikes their family, Eily, Michael and Peggy are left to fend for themselves. Starving and in danger of the dreaded workhouse, they escape. Their one hope is to find the great aunts they have heard about in their mother’s stories. With tremendous courage they set out on a journey that will test every reserve of strength, love and loyalty they possess.'
Dunclug Primary School, Doury Rd, Ballymena, County Antrim BT43 6SU | Telephone: 028 2565 2327