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Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena

School Vision



Our vision is to provide a caring, safe and stimulating environment where pupils are nurtured and challenged to fulfil their potential and grow in to happy, confident and responsible young people.


We strive to achieve this vision by:  

  • Providing an inclusive, integrated, safe and stimulating environment for learning
  • Promoting tolerance and respect, allowing each individual to develop their talents and strengths whilst encouraging them to achieve their full potential
  • Valuing parents/guardians as first educators and continuing to work in partnership with them as we nurture each child preparing them for their present and future role within society
  • Ensuring school staff plan, teach and evaluate lessons which inspires each child
  • Developing working relationships that endorse pride, respect and an enjoyment of learning
  • Providing an enriching programme of extra-curricular activities
  • Ensuring the school plays a central role in the life of the community 

We encourage our pupils to:

  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe