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Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena


2023/2024 School Year

14th Oct 2023
An empty pumpkin patch after a brilliant morning! The rain stopped eventually...
29th Sep 2023
Thank you to our school community for supporting today's Rock Red Friday and thank...
28th Sep 2023
Well done to our Star Award winners for September! Fantastic work!! ...
28th Sep 2023
Our Primary One pupils have been enjoying their first week staying for school dinners...
23rd Sep 2023
A sample of the photos from last term! Look at all those happy faces!! Thanks to...
23rd Sep 2023
Super work ASC2 ! You can see their brilliant scarecrow...
18th Sep 2023
Our P6 and P7 pupils were invited along to the The Jungle today by Radius...
15th Sep 2023
Lots to celebrate at this week's assembly as Mr B gave out 2 Headteacher Awards!...
8th Sep 2023
Such a lovely gesture from Sinead and all at Connolly’s Spar - thank you...
7th Sep 2023
This morning we gathered as a whole school community for the first assembly of the...